Discover How To Improvise and Compose Your Own Guitar Solos Easily In Any Key With The Simple 3-Step E-D-A System
Unlike many of the “trainers” you might find on the internet, Tyler has taught several hundred in-person students across various styles, utilizing the strategies he’ll be sharing with you. Tyler applies these exact same principles in his own musicianship and music composition, and he has played on stage with national acts like Trapt, Drowning Pool, Saliva, Ludo, Tantric, Sick Puppies, and many others.
He has trained countless guitarists to be more efficient and accurate by leveraging a geometric growth learning style to develop musicianship.
All of this experience culminates in a unique set of knowledge and skills that can help you learn guitar faster and compose your own music and solos, regardless of past musical experience.
(Note: Tyler’s results are not typical and are not meant to guarantee what results you may achieve on guitar from these techniques and strategies. See the full disclaimer at the bottom of the page.)
*Disclaimer: Results will depend on various factors, including your time, effort, energy, and commitment. Please refer to our complete disclaimer at the bottom of the page.
NOTE: This is not a guitar lesson, and there are no guarantees that the principles presented in this web class will yield any specific results. By registering, you’re signing up for training designed to help you improve your guitar skills, technique, and music composition abilities.
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